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Scar (2007)

Released: 10 Apr 2008 IMDb: tt0847520 Country: USA Runtime: 83 min Genres: Crime, Horror, Thriller Source: HD Panda rating: Not yet rated While driving to her hometown Ovid, Colorado, to visit her sheriff brother Jeff and niece Olympia, Joan Burrows recalls her traumatic experience with best friend Susie when they were teenagers. Joan and Susie, smoking pot in a cemetery, decided to snoop on Bishop the caretaker at the funeral home. Joan falls and hurts her knee, so Bishop, having found them, invites the girls inside to clean the wound. Soon they are sedated with chloroform and submitted ... Director: Jed Weintrob Actors: Angela Bettis, Ben Cotton, Brittney Wilson, Tegan Moss IMDb Rating: 4.1 ( based on 2,402 votes )
